Sula toni morrison ebook
Sula toni morrison ebook

Several sentences and paragraphs are directly repeated, as if Morrison did a second take but the editor forgot to discard one of them. More problematic, though, is that the audio editing here is flawed. Personally, I find the vocal softness and consistent pace makes the mood a bit samey, when the prose itself isn't, but that may be my personal taste for a more dramatic rendering. Morrison certainly has a beautiful voice but is only a so-so reader of her own prose. I would recommend it to anyone who has an interest in fine literature. In summary, I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. This way you can interpret her words as you wish, just as if you were reading it. The author speaks deliberately, but without a lot of expression. I had no problem with it, but I listen on my computer instead of a device, if that makes any difference. Some people complained about the narration. I felt better only to discover that I had been "had" by the moral questions now raised within myself. All is explained at the end and justice prevails. I didn't really notice the thread, but many things made me feel uncomfortable with both Nell and Sula. Similar to the books of Thomas Hardy, there are all of these characters, all of these lives and interactions within a community, an interesting plot, and a thread of morality winding through it all. Something was happening every 5 minutes, or so it seemed. I can usually predict a plot twist, but not this time. The story has twists and turns, some back stories, but I followed it easily while alone cleaning my kitchen.

sula toni morrison ebook

The reader is immersed into the culture of a backwater black neighborhood of the early 20th century. People you have known in your life, or wished to know. The characters are real, unpredictable, flesh-and-blood people.

Sula toni morrison ebook how to#

In addition, the author knows how to tell a story. This was a well thought out, well put together novel. Good against evil and a riotous story to boot

Sula toni morrison ebook